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Toledo Fire Department recruits graduate

TFD recruits graduate and officially became a part of the Toledo Fire Department Friday.

TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - TFD recruits graduate and officially became a part of the Toledo Fire Department Friday.

The recruits made it through 24 intense weeks to begin their careers.

WTOL followed them along a journey of fire and emergency training during the day and then studying at night.

"I don't think anyone knew what they were getting themselves into," said Sterling Rahe, Toledo Fire Department.

The recruits practiced scenarios over and over to prepare them for when its real.

"Were putting everything together that we have been learning," said Ryan Ruiz, TFD recruit.

"Its a huge achievement we are all pretty happy we made it here," said Ruiz.

Ruiz's class will replace several members of the department who have retired this year and a new class in the budget to continue to help TFD retain their staffing levels that provide us with the services we expect and need.

"I have lived in Toledo my entire life so to be able to give back to my community and go on emergency runs and help is really great," said Ruiz.

Graduation is Friday at 7 p.m at Bowsher high school and then Sunday they begin their rotation as Toledo Fire Fighters.

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