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Lt. Gov. Husted proposes required parental consent to use TikTok, other social media platforms

Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted is proposing required parental consent for kids 16 years old or younger to use apps like TikTok, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted is proposing the "Social Media Parental Notification Act" which would require kids 16 years old or younger to get their parents permission to use certain social media apps.

"All we're asking parents to do is be parents," Husted said. 

Husted said the proposed act would hold social media apps accountable, with parents being aware of what platforms their kids are using. For those who might say it infringes on their personal freedom, Husted says parents should be watching what their kids see online anyway.

"Corporations shouldn't be allowed to contact your children, collect data on them and send them harmful algorithms that addicts them to a product without the parents knowing about it," he said.

This is not the first step taken toward laws regarding social media usage.

In early January, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed an executive order to ban TikTok on all state-owned electronic devices. The federal government made a similar move in late December 2022.

Some Toledoans agree with Husted and other state and federal officials' decisions to limit how, when and by whom social media can be used.

"TikTok and social media has been used in all kinds of different ways," Toledo resident DeVonte Malcom said. "The crazy thing is about it, this generation has access to all kinds of information. Honestly, I agree with it."

Other Toledoans, like Meredith LaPorte, stay off social media in general and say its better for young kids to be out in the real world instead of engrossed in TikTok or other social media apps.

"I just feel like it's a waste of time when you could be doing something more productive," LaPorte said. "I don't let them get on it very often. I want them to be brought up in reality, and not a fake world that's out there."

Husted said the proposal would be a part of the state's operating budget, and hopes it would pass by the state's June 30 deadline.

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