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HVAC repair company keeping up with the demand

Air conditioning units are working hard to keep you cool during this extreme heat, which means HVAC companies are working around the clock to keep units in service.

TOLEDO, Ohio — With the heat wave this week, your air conditioning units are working extra hard to keep you cool during this extreme heat.

This also means that HVAC repair companies are working around the clock to get those units fixed.

Temperatures in the mid to upper 90s are more likely to cause air conditioners to labor, according to Wojo's Heating & Air Conditioning.

Tom Wojciechowski, the owner of Wojo's, said the company has 26 trucks and they've been working 12-hour shifts to keep up with repairs.

"Well, this has been the busiest week of the year," Wojciechowski said.

The hot temps have people on alert in their homes during this heat wave.

"Thank goodness we have an air conditioner and we have a brick home," Becky Bunn, a Toledo resident, said. "So it seems that if we keep everything closed up, except for when the dog wants to go out, we stay pretty cool in our house with the air conditioner going."

But not everyone is as fortunate, which has resulted in a lot of calls for Wojciechowski.

The biggest problem he said he is seeing is simply dirty condensers, which is the air conditioning unit that sits outside.

"So the cottonwood that's been flying around will cling and plug that up," Wojciechowski said. "And then when you have the extreme temperatures, it'll cause the pressures and temperatures to rise on the air conditioner itself and cause damage or won't be able to cool properly."

Wojciechowski recommended keeping your unit at 75 degrees and keeping it running this week. There are some simple things you can do like checking your air filter. 

"You got to shut the power off, clean it with a toilet brush, with a garden hose," Wojciechowski said. "Do something until your contractor can show up and do it properly."

One of the ways that Wojo's prepared for this week is by getting plenty of parts, so if you do experience a problem with your air conditioning, it shouldn't be a problem getting the parts to fix it.

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