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Tecumseh schools retiring superintendent, incoming replacement discuss past and future of district

Rick Hilderley is retiring after decades of service to southeast Michigan. His replacement, Matt Hilton, is a new addition to the area but has Ann Arbor experience.

TECUMSEH, Mich. — Tecumseh Public Schools has a new leader with the retirement of a long-term fixture around the district.

Outgoing Superintendent Rick Hilderley will be retiring after many years with Tecumseh Public Schools.

On Wednesday, he and his replacement, incoming Superintendent Matt Hilton, discussed past success and setting future goals. 

Hilton is a new face in the area, coming from Ann Arbor Public Schools.

"I am thrilled to be here," Hilton said.

RELATED: Tecumseh Public Schools announces next district superintendent

Hilderley is the opposite and has been part of the Tecumseh community for decades.

"Started out as a student teacher here in 1988," Hilderley said. "I've been a teacher, a coach, a building principal and eventually now the superintendent for the last five years."

While you could say Hilderley bleeds orange and black - the district's colors - Hilton is bringing experience from Ann Arbor, where he went from reading intervention to principal and eventually overseeing 20 buildings and 7,000 students.

"Each one of those stops has taught me a number of things," Hilton said. "But I would say the main thing is that the relationships and the ways in which we communicate are really important and so that's where I intend to start here in Tecumseh."

Hilton knows it's all about those relationships and while he says sitting down his predecessor is important, he knows its critical to hear from his new community.

"As I come on board I intend to continue to ask questions," Hilton said. "I intend to hold community meetings this fall and invite parents, community members, students to talk with me about all of the things that make Tecumseh."

The former superintendent says the job isn't easy.

"I will miss the people," Hilderley said. "I certainly won't miss some of the turmoil and some of the problems."

Hilderley says he's proud and stands by difficult decisions he's had to make, which are things he knows Hilton will face in the years to come.

"But we've closed a couple of buildings recently, so for next year we're going to be moving from six buildings down to four and have created a situation where we can make that work," Hilderley said. "And until we until we do something more permanent with our elementary facilities, then that's how we'll operate."

Although Hilderley is looking back, he's excited for what's ahead and supports his replacement.

"I expect that Mr. Hilton's going to be able to take things from where they are now and move in a positive direction," Hilderley said. "We've been moving in that direction and with his leadership, I think we'll just become even better."

Hilton is ready to get work and meeting with district families, while Hilderley says he plans on spending more time with his own family.


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